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2024 Team Titans Go x MACCA Summer Camp

September 23, 2024 by
Titans Robotics

Team Titans Go was honoured to partner with the Markham African Caribbean Canadian Association (MACCA) once again for the robotics portion of their summer camp. Blasting off from the success of last year’s camp, our mission stayed on course like a rocket’s trajectory: to inspire the next innovators within STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics). With the support of MACCA staff, Team Titans members created unforgettable experiences for the campers. From the youngest kids in the Pre-FLL program to the aspiring engineers in the FTC cohort, everyone was engaged in exciting and creative challenges designed to immerse them into the compelling world of robotics.

A Deeper Dive Into Each Group

Pre-FLL (SK-GR.1):

Our youngest campers went straight into some fun activities to introduce the fundamentals of real-world engineering. The kids learned how engineers work together because two heads are better than one! Not giving up is key—every failure is just a step toward making something better. We did some cool projects, like building catapults for an Angry Birds game and testing rafts to see how much weight they could hold. Among the activities, the egg drop challenge shined the most, allowing students to communicate their ideas for their intriguing final project. It was fascinating to see how each team approached the task of protecting their egg.

FLL (GR.2-4):

For the older students, we brought in some EV3 robots, taught block coding and highlighted the basics like the difference between autonomous versus non-autonomous. Throughout the workshops, students developed pseudocode, tackled specific objectives with their robots and completed a culminating project which closely mirrored real-world design-thinking processes. Our approach to learning with a blend of theory and hands-on activities provided students with the optimal environment to begin their robotics journey.

FTC (GR.5-7):

Our most advanced campers worked on projects similar to those found in the First Tech Challenge. They built up their build and programming skills as well as core values like gracious professionalism. Despite the complexity of certain topics, they worked forward with a growth mindset. Using TinkerCAD, a software for 3D-drafting, they meticulously worked to create accurate models before bringing their T-Bot designs to life. For the programming aspect, they utilized GearsBot, an online simulator, to code a robot that could maneuver obstacles and knock over targets.

A Summer of Growth

Over three weeks, it is undeniable that these students have shown remarkable growth within their hard (technical) and soft skills. Their progress was astounding—whether it was participating in an Angry Birds themed-game, coding EV3 bots or building T-Bots. We are confident that each and every participant gained beneficial skills for their future endeavours.

Team Titans Go is glad to have had the opportunity to lead and share knowledge, helping to shape the next generation. However, the journey doesn’t end here. We look forward to the possibility of continuing our strong relationship with MACCA and involving ourselves more in the community. This past summer surpassed just being a camp; it was a launchpad for future engineers, trailblazers and coders.